Vitola Fine Cigars in Mountain Brook is proud to carry a great selection of premium, hand-rolled cigars. Oliva Cigars are a popular brand of handmade cigars that are enjoyed by cigar aficionados all over the world. These cigars are known for their excellent construction, rich flavor, and impressive aroma. But to better understand this legacy cigar brand, it’s important to understand where and how Oliva Cigars are made.

Where Are Oliva Cigars Made?

Today, Oliva Cigars are made in Estelí, Nicaragua. Estelí is known as the “Cigar Capital of the World” and is home to many of the top cigar factories in Nicaragua. The region is ideal for growing tobacco because of its rich soil and favorable climate.

Oliva Cigars uses tobacco that is grown on their own farms in Estelí and other regions in Nicaragua. They carefully select the best leaves and handcraft each cigar with precision and care.

The History of the Oliva Cigars

Oliva Cigars is a family-owned company that has been in the cigar-making business for over a century. The company was founded by Melanio Oliva in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, in 1886. The Oliva family was known for growing high-quality tobacco, and they soon gained a reputation for producing some of the best cigars in Cuba.

In 1964, the Oliva family fled Cuba after the revolution and settled in Nicaragua. They continued to grow tobacco and began producing cigars for the local market. In the 1990s, Oliva Cigars began exporting their cigars to the United States, and they quickly became popular with cigar enthusiasts.

How Oliva Cigars are Made

Oliva Cigars are made using a traditional hand-rolling method. Each cigar is made by a skilled craftsman, known as a torcedor. The torcedor carefully selects the tobacco leaves and creates a blend that will produce the desired flavor and aroma.

1. The torcedor then places the tobacco leaves on a wooden board and rolls them into the desired shape. The cigar is then wrapped in a wrapper leaf, which gives the cigar its final appearance. The torcedor then carefully trims the end of the cigar and places it in a wooden mold to help it maintain its shape.
2. After the cigar has been molded, it is placed in a humidor to age. The aging process is critical because it allows the flavors to develop and mature. Oliva Cigars are aged for at least six months before they are packaged and shipped

Learn More at Vitola Fine Cigars

Oliva Cigars are made in Estelí, Nicaragua, using traditional hand-rolling methods. The company uses tobacco that is grown on their own farms and carefully selects the best leaves to create a unique blend of flavors and aromas. At Vitola Fine Cigars in Mountain Brook Village, we’re proud to carry an impressive lineup of Oliva Cigars. Stop by the shop today to take your pick from an incredible selection of handmade, premium cigars.

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