At Vitola Fine Cigars, we’ve been supplying the Birmingham and Tuscaloosa areas with quality, hand-made premium cigars for years. Whether you’re just getting into the hobby or you’ve been puffing premium cigars for decades, we’re sure you’ll find the perfect smokes when you shop our vast selection of industry-leading cigar blends.
Top 5 Premium Cigars
Like well-aged whiskey or fine wine, cigars are often rated and re-rated yearly. Some cigars are well-known for improving after a few years’ rest, while others may peak once they reach a certain age. Additionally, the ever-changing climate during growing seasons will also have an effect on the taste and quality of any particular cigar. Because of these fluctuating conditions, we’ll look at both new blends released throughout the year and classic smokes that smokers have enjoyed for decades in our top 5 list of the best cigars you can buy online.
1. GTO Hypnotic Connecticut Toro 6×52
Produced by renowned cigar maker Oscar Rodriguez, the GTO Hypnotic Connecticut was bred from Oscar’s willingness and eagerness to chat with fellow cigar smokers at events. Through this open communication, Rodriguez learned that many beginner smokers prefer flavored or infused cigars as a better way to ease into the hobby. The GTO Hypnotic Connecticut is perfect for novices not yet ready for a more robust, bolder-in-strength cigar.
2. Asylum 90×9
Contrary to the Hypnotic, the Asylum 90×9 is a cigar likely intended for seasoned smokers. Coming in at a whopping 9 inches long by 90 ring gauge, this cigar could take anywhere from 3-6 hours to smoke entirely, and thankfully so. This limited edition fine cigar improves yearly with rich chocolatey notes and a full-flavored finish.
3. Perdomo Champagne Robusto
A perfect breakfast smoke, the Perdomo Champagne Robusto ranks among the best light-bodied cigars ever produced. With tasting notes of buttered toast, nuts, and a slight woodiness, the Perdomo Champagne Robusto pairs exceptionally well with a hot cup of black coffee.
4. My Father Flor De Las Antillas
The first box-pressed cigar from My Father, the Flor De Las Antillas, is a well-made attempt at crafting the perfect Nicaraguan puro, or a fine cigar consisting of tobaccos exclusively grown in Nicaragua. Delivering an array of flavors from cocoa, pepper, sweet cedar, and earth, the Flor De Las Antillas is a great everyday type of smoke for those looking to add an extra punch to their humidors.
5. Vitola PL Connecticut Toro
A hand-made premium cigar blend explicitly made for Vitola Fine Cigars, the Vitola PL Connecticut Toro offers the classic light-bodied, full-flavored smoke you can’t find anywhere else.
Premium Cigars in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa
Vitola Fine Cigars is your premium provider of well-maintained, top-quality hand-made cigars. For beginners and experienced smokers, Vitola Fine Cigars carries premium sticks by industry-leading cigar makers, all at a reasonable price. Call, click, or come in today to see why more cigar smokers trust Vitola Fine Cigars.