Illusione Cigars are the product of long-time cigar retailer and cigar aficionado Dion Giolito. Founded in 2006, Illusione Cigars have remained popular amongst cigar enthusiasts since their founding. Headquartered in Reno, Nevada, Illusione cigars are primarily filled and bound by Nicaraguan tobaccos and are unique in that each variety of cigars sold by Illusione has its own name which alludes to a conspiracy or secret code.
Illusione’s Upbringing
Dion Giolito, founder of Illusione Cigars had one idea in mind when he first set out to produce his own cigar company. Giolito sought to create a top-of-the-line Nicaraguan cigar that resembled the grand old Pre-Sandinista cigars characteristic of the 1970s. Giolito achieved this vision through the use of primo binder and filler tobaccos, Corojo ‘99 and Criollo ‘98, which are neatly wrapped and finished in a San Andrés Maduro wrapper from Mexico. The end result of these classic cigars is a nostalgic nod to traditional cigars which are full-bodied, medium-strength cigars with notes of cocoa, cashews, leather, and earthy notes, backed by a hint of white pepper.
Awards and Accolades
Giolito’s years of work as a cigar retailer and master blender came to fruition as Illusione cigars earned a highly coveted place in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 Cigars of 2007, placing 7th among countless other exceptional cigars and an otherwise competitive landscape. But the accolades don’t stop there, as Illusione cigars have distinguished itself with nearly 30 other awards and accolades. Some of these include “Cigar of the Year” 2008 by Zen Cigars, ECCJ 15th “Best of Show”, a 6-time placeholder in Cigar Aficionado’s “Top 25 Cigars of the Year”, and #1 ranked “Cigar of the Year” by Halfwheel.
What Illusione Has to Offer
Currently, Illusione Cigars offers 16 varieties of cigars each of which comes in at least 4-5 different shapes and sizes. The most popular of these are listed below with their corresponding flavor profile and descriptions:
Cruzado: “A blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 Dominant blend along with Corojo ’99, and finished with a AAA Grade Corojo Rosado wrapper. Medium to full-bodied and very complex and lush.”
Original Documents: “A blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99, and finished with a AAA Grade Corojo Rosado wrapper. Medium to full-bodied and very complex.”
Maduro: “A blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99, and finished with a ‘Capa Fina’grade San Andreas wrapper. Medium to full-bodied.”
Fume D’ Amour: “A blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99, with a focus on lower priming tobaccos for influence. It is finished with AAA Grade Cafe Corojo Wrapper. Mild to medium bodied and very complex.”
Rothchildes: “A blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99, and finished with a ‘Capa Rustica’ San Andreas Wrapper. Medium to full-bodied and very complex. CT series is a blend of Nicaraguan Criollo ’98 and Corojo ’99 and finished with a Connecticut Shade Wrapper from Ecuador. Medium-bodied and very complex.”
These are just a glimpse of Illusione cigars’ vast selection and we invite you to check out their full repertoire of cigars at Vitola Fine Cigars.
Find Old-School Style Smokes at Vitola
There’s no mistaking an Illusione Cigar, that much is clear. Illusione Cigars are for all lovers of fine cigars, especially if you prefer old-school style smokes with an obvious Nicaraguan influence. With so many varieties, it may be difficult for you to decide what Illusione Cigar is going to take the cake. But, with the help of Vitola Fine Cigars, we promise to help ensure you find the right Illusione cigar for you and your unique flavor preferences.
Shop Vitola Fine Cigars
To find more information about Illusione Cigars or if you are interested in purchasing a box of these premium cigars, check out the link to our webpage at Vitola Fine Cigars. Vitola Fine Cigars is a premium source of tobacco and accessories available for sale online. Enjoy fast shipping direct to your door when you buy your Illusione Cigars with us.
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