Whether you’re celebrating a momentous occasion, or just the end of a long day, enjoying a top-quality premium cigar is one the best ways to relax, unwind, and commemorate a moment. For distinguished smokers and newcomers alike, you want a complex, flavorful, and enjoyable stick to the last puff. That’s why, when you need a top-quality, premium cigar for any celebration, you need an Esteban Carreras cigar in your humidor.
Esteban Carreras Cigars
In a short amount of time, Esteban Carreras Cigar Co. has become one of the most highly sought-after boutique cigar manufacturers in operation today. Getting its namesake from a prolific freedom fighter against Castro’s regime, Esteban Carreras grows their cigars in the tobacco mecca of Estelí, Nicaragua. Highly regarded for their distinct, full-bodied cigars, Esteban Carreras Cigar Co. uses only premium aged tobaccos for their fillers, binders, and wrappers. The Tabacaleras Carrera factory employs experienced cigar rollers to ensure quality construction, burn, and draw on every handmade, premium Esteban Carreras cigar.
About Esteban Carreras
Today, Esteban Carreras continues to pump out premium cigars well-known for their full-flavored taste and full-bodied strength. Whether it’s for the Esteban Carreras brand or blends curated for other cigar companies, the Tabacaleras Carrera in Estelí produces over a million cigars yearly. With over a dozen expertly-curated blends and a handful of vitolas, even the most experienced smoker can find an unmatched smoking experience in an Esteban Carreras cigar.
- Habano — The Habano cigar from Esteban Carreras Cigar Co. is a perfect example of a classic Nicaraguan puro or a cigar whose filler, binder, and wrapper all derive from Nicaragua. This premium stick exudes delicious heavy cream, spice, cocoa, and chocolate flavors and is available in 4 sizes from 4 x 54 to 6 x 60.
- 1961 Cameroon — Originally released in 2007, this 90-rated cigar uses premium tobaccos aged at a minimum of three years to achieve a consistent, full-flavored profile. These limited edition cigars come in a beautifully designed, stained display humidor for a classy look in your collection.
- 10 Anos — Aged for a combined total of 10 years, the 10 Anos was the original cigar in the Esteban Carreras lineup. Highly acclaimed, this cigar received an overall rating of 91 by Cigar Aficionado. The 10 Anos uses Nicaraguan binders and filler, all tied together with a deliciously smooth San Andrea Negro wrapper. Additionally, these fine cigars are available in five vitolas including Robusto, Toro, Churchill, and Torpedo.
Shop Esteban Carreras Cigars at Vitola Fine Cigars
For any herf, a premium cigar is a must. At Vitola Fine Cigars, we strive to provide top-name cigars for sale like Esteban Carreras for all of your smoking pleasure. Come in today, with one of the largest walk-in humidors in Birmingham, you’re sure to find the right cigar for any occasion.
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