The Arturo Fuente Legacy
A family tradition since 1912 — The Arturo Fuente cigar brand is consistently among the top-rated cigars in the world. A work of art met at the intersection of quality and flavor, the Arturo Fuente cigar has built a massive following since its beginnings in the early 1900s. The brand has blended its own tobaccos; developed innovative production techniques that enable them to assure product consistency in wrapper leaf quality, shade-grown tobacco content, flavor development, and burn characteristics. From the beginning, the founder Arturo Fuente himself has been a symbol of what cigar making should be. Today it’s enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts all over the world.
History of Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente Cigars became the standard of cigar making from humble beginnings. Arturo, his wife Christine, and two sons Carlos and Arturo Oscar would roll and blend cigars from their back porch in the Dominican Republic. The focus from the start was quality. The Fuente brand centers around quality— quality tobacco, and quality craftsmanship.
“We don’t hurry things, we do things the way they are supposed to be done.”
Arturo was adamant there was no time limit on greatness which was reflected in the cigars. Those same values hold true for Arturo Fuente even over 100 years later. Four generations later, the cigar empire is still family-owned and operated in the Dominican Republic.
About Arturo Fuente Cigars
The iconic family farm, Chateau de la Fuente, is located deep in the Dominican Republic. A rich, green landscape embodies the quality and beauty of the Arturo Fuente cigar. Every cigar is aged before being individually wrapped in the brand’s signature cedar wrap. The Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva is the flagship cigar of the Arturo Fuente cigar portfolio. The reigning family of premium cigars showcases this vintage stick with personal family touches that make it one of the world’s most quality cigars. The brand’s commitment to all the aspects of its production is unmatched.
Today Arturo Fuente Cigars showcases ten unique cigar series.
- Gran Reserva
- Chateau Fuente
- Casa Cuba
- Hemingway
- Don Carlos
- Magnum R Rosado Sungrown
- Destino Al Siglo
- Rare Pink
- Añejo
- Fuente Fuente OpusX Family
Each one tells the story of Arturo Fuente’s legacy and the brand’s journey to one of the world’s finest cigars.
Find It At Vitola
Vitola Fine Cigars features the Arturo Fuente Cigar family online and in-stores. The Arturo Fuente portfolio offers some of the most sought-after cigars in the world. Let our experts take the guesswork out of picking the perfect cigar for you.
The Fuente Fuente Opus X is the brand’s most popular cigar, and it is a favorite among cigar aficionados — and Vitola Fine Cigars sells out quick so grab it when you can! This rare find is an all-Dominican recipe featuring premium aged fillers and tobaccos, giving it a full taste that will be the talk of any gathering.
For the new cigar aficionado, the Arturo Fuente Casa Cuba is a sweet and spicy blend of cinnamon and coffee with a bite of leather. Its price point of around $10 per cigar is a great starting point for those not as familiar with the cigar world.
Shop Vitola Fine Cigars
Visit the experts at Vitola Fine Cigars to help you navigate the quality Arturo Fuente portfolio or learn more about other options. Our in-store and online selection offers a wide range of cigars with varying flavor profiles.
Showing 91–105 of 120 results
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R52 SINGLE
$10.59 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R54 25CT BOX
$254.25 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R54 SINGLE
$11.59 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R56 25CT BOX
$247.50 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R56 SINGLE
$10.99 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R58 25CT BOX
$246.38 -
Arturo Fuente MAGNUM R58 SINGLE
$10.99 -
$198.20 -
Arturo FUENTE OPUS X Forbidden X Amor Sensual SINGLE
$57.99 -
Arturo FUENTE OPUS X Forbidden X Deseos d’Amor SINGLE
$48.99 -
Arturo FUENTE OPUS X Forbidden X Pasion d’ Amor SINGLE
$52.79 -
$23.59 -
$20.39 -
Arturo Fuente Opus X Pussy Cats single
$24.59 -